Frequently Used Words In Luis Songs

Frequently used words in Luis songs

"I hope I'm worth all this"

"¡Sí, Señor, vale la pena!"

la boca - mouth
los brazos - arms
la cara - face
el corazon - heart
el cuerpo - body
los labios - lips
la mano - hand
los ojos - eyes (o hoes)
la piel - skin
la mujer - woman (mu hair)
la rodilla - knee (ro dee yah)
mis besos - my kisses
cerca de mí - close to me
mi lado - near me
a mi lado - by my side
todo - all

foto by Michele-Atlantic City 1998


ayer - yesterday
hoy - today ("oy" -h is silent at beginning of words)
mañana - tomorrow (ma nya na)
la noche - night
anoche - last night
el tiempo - time
el fin - the end
nada es igual - nothing's the same
nunca - never
cuando - when
donde - where
siempre - always
para siempre - forever

Don't freak out!!!!!! You will be amazed at how quickly you begin to pick these words out of songs. REALLY!!!! and each one gives a glimpse of meaning. You begin to recognize these words as the root word in many different words.

me gusta - I enjoy
quiero - I want
te quiero - I love you
te amo - I love you
extraño - to miss (ñ = ny= extranyo)
te extraño - I miss you
como extraño - How I miss
tanto - so much
caricia - carress
cariño - affection (ca ree nyoh)
más allá - beyond (mas ah yah)
loca, locura - someone's going mad!
enamorado - in love
any word that begins with amo, ama, ame - is probably related to amor=love

It is good to use spanish words thrown in your english sentences. I did that a lot too. It helps you match the picture to the spanish word - so you understand what you hear & say WITHOUT translation. That is what you want your brain to do - not translate, but to understand it in Spanish. The hard thing is this - but it is not hard once you realize what is happening instead: many times they don't use pronouns like he, she or I!!!! You see verbs & don't know who is doing what. But they incorporate their pronouns INTO the verb. Here is what they do with the word
busco - I search
buscas - you search - familiar form
busca - he, or she or you(polite form) searches
buscamos - we search
buscan - plural, they or "you all" search

You recognize it in "Un hombre busca una mujer" = a man searches for a woman. So with the verbs, you will recognize the "root" of the word that is always there, then the ending tells you "who dunnit!" sometimes they use pronouns:
yo - I
usted - you, polite
tú - you
él - he
ella - she
nosotros - we
ellos - them

Buscamos a Luis! - We search for Luis!/we're searching for Luis.
They also put the word "me" (means me but pronounced "may") on the ends of some verbs which is an easy way to ask someone to do something to or for you.
abrazar (brazos=arms, abrazar=embrace)
abrazame=embrace/hold me
besar (to kiss) = besame = kiss me - (bay sah may)
escuchar (to listen) = escuchame = listen to me
miéntame - lie to me
mirar (to look) = mirame = look at me - (mere ah may)

Also, worth mentioning is that the person in front of the verb, is the one getting something done to them - "me habla"=she/he spoke to me. If I spoke to her/him, it would be "hablo a el/ella." Notice the "o" on the end of the verb hablar (hablo) that makes it first person.

a sounds like ah
e sounds like long eh
i sounds like long e
o sounds like long o
u sounds like oo-notice how WE pronounce this letter using a "y" on the front!
So when you say your "a,e,i,o & u" in spanish it sounds like "ah, eh, e, o, & oo."

Keep sneaking in spanish words, you will be surprised how they become part of your brain, don't worry if right or wrong person (for now), just get that meaning working in your brain now!

More "Luis" Words
From his lips to your ears! ahhh....

dame - give me (dah may)
entregate - (you,he,she,it) surrender (en tre' gah tay)
hablar - to speak (ablar)
jugar - to play (hu gar)
pensar - to think
olvidar - to forget
inolvidable - unforgettable (in ol vee dah blay)
regresar - to come or go back
rompa - you, he, she, or it breaks something
saber - to know, irregular verb, 1st person Yo sé=I know (yo say)
No sé - I don't know (no say)
No sé tu - I don't know about you
bella - beautiful (bay yah)
con - with (sounds somewhat like our cone)
conmigo - with me (cone me go)
contigo - with you (cone tee go)
culpable - guilty (cul pah blay)
dolor - pain
el mar - the sea
este mundo - this world
el fuego - fire (fu ay go)
la gente - people (hentay)
imaginar - imagine (ee mah' hee nar')
imaginación - imagination (ee mah' hee nah' cee on)
la lluvia - rain (ll sounds like Yu)
mejor - better (may hor)
mentira - lie
novios - girl/boyfriends
nuevo - new
nuestro - our
otro(a) - other, another
otra vez - again
última vez - the last time
primera vez - first time
la palabra - word
la playa - beach (plah yah)
pero - but, (pay rroh)
el sangre - blood (sahn gray)
mil - a thousand
pedazos - pieces
sin - without (sen)
sin ti - without you (sen tee)
suave - soft (swah vay)
sueña - dream (swa nyah)
Tu & Yo - you & me
la verdad - truth
la vida - life (vee dah)

*Disclaimer - please understand that this is not a lesson on proper Spanish. This is intended to give nonspeakers some immediate insight into what they are hearing. Remember, don't try to translate what you hear, but to UNDERSTAND what you hear! - Sandy

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By/por ¡Sandra/Sandy!
Uploaded July 30, 1998
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